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Measuring Haskell Container Sizes

By Colin on 2019-09-24

I was recently surprised to discover a big-O time complexity difference in measuring the size of Map vs HashMap through their respective size functions. This sent me on a journey to double-check the other container types we commonly use in Haskell, to be sure that I haven't been punishing myself unawares.

The crux is this: some containers expose a custom length (or size) function, while some present Foldable.length as the canonical measurement tool. In both camps, some override Foldable.length with a better implementation, and some rely on the default. That default is implemented as follows:

  -- Hurray, foldl'!
  length :: t a -> Int
  length = foldl' (\c _ -> c+1) 0

  -- Wait...
  foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
  foldl' f z0 xs = foldr f' id xs z0
    where f' x k z = k $! f z x

For some structures, foldr is naughty. For others, it isn't. We seek then definitive answers to these questions:

  • What's the best way to measure the size of each container in Haskell?
  • In general, can we trust Foldable.length?



  • length = size: Is Foldable.length defined in terms of a custom size function?
ContainerCustom lengthFoldable.lengthlength = size?Notes
[]O(n)O(n)YesRewrite rules for performance
MapO(1)O(1)YesEmbedded Size field
SetO(1)O(1)YesEmbedded Size field
IntSetO(n)N/AN/ANo Foldable instance
SeqO(1)O(1)YesEmbedded Int field
TreeN/AO(n)N/ADefault Foldable instance
ArrayO(1)O(1)YesEmbedded Int field
HashMapO(n)Worse O(n)NoDefault Foldable instance
HashSetO(n)Worse O(n)NoDefault Foldable instance
VectorAmortized O(1)Amortized O(1)Yes



Perhaps surprisingly, list length is calculated in the way we were all told to implement it when first learning Haskell:

  length :: [a] -> Int
  length xs = lenAcc xs 0

  lenAcc :: [a] -> Int -> Int
  lenAcc []     n = n
  lenAcc (_:ys) n = lenAcc ys (n+1)

Although why is there no ! on the n? Futhermore, there are some rewrite rules that claim to be for performance:

  {-# RULES
  "length" [~1] forall xs . length xs = foldr lengthFB idLength xs 0
  "lengthList" [1] foldr lengthFB idLength = lenAcc

  -- The lambda form turns out to be necessary to make this inline
  -- when we need it to and give good performance.
  {-# INLINE [0] lengthFB #-}
  lengthFB :: x -> (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
  lengthFB _ r = \ !a -> r (a + 1)


Not a surprise:

  length :: NonEmpty a -> Int
  length (_ :| xs) = 1 + Prelude.length xs

But note that its Foldable instance does not override length! Its default calls foldl', which calls foldr, which is overridden as:

  foldr f z ~(a :| as) = f a (List.foldr f z as)


Map is defined like this (altered slightly for clarity):

  data Map k a = Bin Size k a (Map k a) (Map k a) | Tip

  type Size = Int

Calls like insert alter the Size field at the same time that they write the new element. Fetching that Size couldn't get more O(1):

  size :: Map k a -> Int
  size Tip              = 0
  size (Bin sz _ _ _ _) = sz


Set is not defined in terms of Map as one might have thought, but it follows the same idea:

  data Set a = Bin Size a (Set a) (Set a) | Tip

  type Size = Int


Seq is defined as:

  newtype Seq a = Seq (FingerTree (Elem a))

  data FingerTree a
    = EmptyT
    | Single a
    | Deep Int (Digit a) (FingerTree (Node a)) (Digit a)

  length :: Seq a -> Int
  length (Seq xs) = size xs

  class Sized a where
    size :: a -> Int

  instance Sized a => Sized (FingerTree a) where
      size EmptyT         = 0
      size (Single x)     = size x
      size (Deep v _ _ _) = v

The Int field of Deep is the size, which is updated upon every insert / removal.


We don't get much:

  data Tree a = Node a [Tree a]

  instance Foldable Tree where
    foldMap f (Node x ts) = f x `mappend` foldMap (foldMap f) ts

So this is as "default" as Foldable.length can get. Recall length -> foldl' -> foldr, where:

  foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
  foldr f z t = appEndo (foldMap (Endo #. f) t) z


  data Array i e = Array i i Int (Array# e)

  numElements :: Array i e -> Int
  numElements (Array _ _ n _) = n
  {-# INLINE numElements #-}

Where the Int is explained to be:

A cache of (rangeSize (l,u)) used to make sure an index is really in range.


This type has an interesting story.

  data HashMap k v
      = Empty
      | BitmapIndexed Bitmap (A.Array (HashMap k v))
      | Leaf Hash (Leaf k v)
      | Full (A.Array (HashMap k v))
      | Collision Hash (A.Array (Leaf k v))

This A.Array type is defined internally to unordered-containers, but is based off of GHC.Exts.SmallArray#:

  data SmallArray# a :: TYPE 'UnliftedRep

With the appearance of GHC magic, I shall tread no deeper. SmallArray# doesn't have an embedded size field like the usual Data.Array.Array does, hence O(n) for HashMap:

  size :: HashMap k v -> Int
  size t = go t 0
      go Empty                !n = n
      go (Leaf _ _)            n = n + 1
      go (BitmapIndexed _ ary) n = A.foldl' (flip go) n ary
      go (Full ary)            n = A.foldl' (flip go) n ary
      go (Collision _ ary)     n = n + A.length ary

  --- In `Data.HashMap.Array` ---

  length :: Array a -> Int
  length ary = I# (sizeofArray# (unArray ary))

  sizeofArray# :: SmallArray# a -> Int#
  sizeofArray# = sizeofSmallArray#

  --- In `GHC.Exts` --

  sizeofSmallArray# :: SmallArray# a -> Int#

And what's this? A near-default Foldable instance?

  instance Foldable.Foldable (HashMap k) where
    foldr f = foldrWithKey (const f)

  foldrWithKey :: (k -> v -> a -> a) -> a -> HashMap k v -> a
  foldrWithKey f = go
      go z Empty                 = z
      go z (Leaf _ (L k v))      = f k v z
      go z (BitmapIndexed _ ary) = A.foldr (flip go) z ary
      go z (Full ary)            = A.foldr (flip go) z ary
      go z (Collision _ ary)     = A.foldr (\ (L k v) z' -> f k v z') z ary

Notice the strict foldl' versus foldr.


The smoking gun. This must be why I thought Set was defined in terms of Map:

  newtype HashSet a = HashSet (HashMap a ())

I wonder if that redundantly allocates all the (), or if a pointer is shared internally?

  instance Foldable.Foldable HashSet where
    foldr = Data.HashSet.Base.foldr

  foldr :: (b -> a -> a) -> a -> HashSet b -> a
  foldr f z0 = foldrWithKey g z0 . asMap
    where g k _ z = f k z

So, entirely based on the performance of HashMap.


Crawl down the rabbit hole with me:

  length :: Vector a -> Int
  length = G.length

  length :: Vector v a => v a -> Int
  length = Bundle.length . stream'

  length :: Bundle v a -> Int
  length = unId . M.length

  length :: Monad m => Bundle m v a -> m Int
  length Bundle{sSize = Exact n} = return n
  length Bundle{sChunks = s}     = S.foldl' (\n (Chunk k _) -> n+k) 0 s

  data Bundle m v a = Bundle
    { sElems  :: Stream m a
    , sChunks :: Stream m (Chunk v a)
    , sVector :: Maybe (v a)
    , sSize   :: Size }

  data Size = Exact Int  -- ^ Exact size
            | Max   Int  -- ^ Upper bound on the size
            | Unknown    -- ^ Unknown size

So O(1) if dealing with an untouched Vector, but potentially O(c) had you done some splitting and twisting which invoked Fusion.

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