Table of Contents
This is a guide for encrypting your hard drive with LUKS after you've already completed the Arch installation. In my own case, I had been using my system for a year before doing the encryption. All of the information presented here is available on the Arch Wiki, but here the execution steps are filtered and ordered to be more immediately reproducable.
This guide assumes that you:
on a separate partitionIf these aren't the case, then you shouldn't follow this guide.
While several places in the Wiki make statements like:
Depending on your situation, you may have to XYZ...
for my case, these were the main steps:
It's up to you how to do this, but consider:
repoRemember that on-disk backups won't save you if you destroy the partition in a later step.
First, download the latest Arch ISO. Then plug in your USB drive and find out what it's called:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Oct 4 19:15 /dev/disk/by-id/usb-TOSHIBA_TransMemory_0022CFF6B8A6C311EC7DAD98-0:0 -> ../../sdb
This USB here doesn't have partitions, but yours likely will (e.g. sdb1
). Make sure it's not mounted. You can confirm this as follows:
NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sda 8:0 0 476.9G 0 disk └─sda1 8:1 0 476.9G 0 part / sdb 8:16 1 28.9G 0 disk
Now become root
and copy the image:
cat ~/Downloads/archlinux-2023.09.01-x86_64.iso > /dev/disk/by-id/usb-TOSHIBA_TransMemory_0022CFF6B8A6C311EC7DAD98-0:0
It is critical that you copy the ISO directly to the root of the USB, not to one of its partitions. The image already has a file system and a partition table, so it needs to be inserted right at the beginning to overwrite whatever was already there.
Once the cat
is complete, run sync
for good measure and remove the drive.
It's time to boot the USB drive that you just flashed. If your USB is plugged in when you start your machine, you should be able to enter a boot or BIOS menu and boot from the USB. Do so, and eventually systemd will start and automatically drop you into a root shell.
This should look familiar, as you probably did this to install Arch in the first place.
If you use an alternate keyboard scheme like Colemak, set it now:
Let's check the disks on this machine:
NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS loop0 7:0 0 682.6M 1 loop /run/archiso/airootfs sda 8:0 1 14.4G 0 disk └─sda1 8:1 1 789M 0 part └─sda2 8:2 1 15M 0 part nvme0n1 259:0 0 476.9G 0 disk └─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 260M 0 part └─nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 476.7G 0 part
In my case, the sda
entries belong to the boot USB, and the nvme0n1
entries are the hard drive. nvme0n1p1
is normally mounted to /boot
, so it's the p2
partition we'd be working on. For all example commands below that include nvme0n1p2
, replace it with the partition on your own machine.
Warning: Do not mount your filesystem!
Before you continue, the dm_crypt
kernel module must be loaded.
dm_crypt 65536 0 encrypted_keys 28672 1 dm_crypt ... etc. ...
Since you booted Arch from a USB and we just saw from lsblk
that the hard drive isn't mounted, you can now check its filesystem:
And then resize it to add space for the LUKS header. Note that this does not shrink the partition, and won't result in any data loss.
will shrink the filesystem as much as it can. The Wiki suggests doing some clever math instead and only shrinking as much as you need, but I used -M
as-is. It took about an hour on a 500gb machine.
Reminder: The dm_crypt
kernel module must be loaded for this step to work!
The following command will encrypt your partition with sane defaults:
It will ask you to set a passphrase to use for decrypting during the normal boot process. This doesn't need to be your usual password. The encryption will take some time.
Once complete, decrypt the partition and expand the filesystem back to its original size:
The name recrypt
here can be a name of your choosing. It refers to the partition after decryption.
Alright, your partition should now have its encryption set up! Don't shut down yet though, there's some final configuration to do.
Assuming everything above went well, it's time to mount your decrypted partition and configure some boot parameters before shutting down. Without this step, GRUB and the kernel won't actually know what to decrypt during boot.
First, let's get into your filesystem:
You should now be inside your normal system as root
. Now edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
array should look like:
HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf kms keyboard keymap consolefont block encrypt filesystems fsck)
You need udev
, keymap
, consolefont
, and most importantly encrypt
. Generate a new kernel image:
Now edit /etc/default/grub
string, add:
The mycrypt
name can be anything. Like above, this is the name given to the partition after decryption.
Finally, regenerate your GRUB configuration:
Now restart your machine and boot normally. If everything was successful, you should be prompted for the passphrase you set previously. Doing so decrypts your drive, and then you'll be brought to the usual login prompt.
A last lsblk
will confirm that you're mounted to the decrypted partition:
NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS nvme0n1 259:0 0 476.9G 0 disk └─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 260M 0 part /boot └─nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 476.7G 0 part └─mycrypt 254:0 0 476.7G 0 crypt /
Well done.
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